How to Use Armor Stands in Minecraft

Previously we discussed how make an armor stand, and today we will focus on its use in Minecraft. Although it is called an armor stand, it can also hold other items, especially in the Bedrock edition where these entities can even assume multiple stand positions. So, with that said, let’s jump right in!

What can you do? Display on armor stands

In addition to armor, you can get carved pumpkins, mob heads and elytra on armor standards in Minecraft. These can all be equipped by the player. To place one of these items on an armor stand, you can right-click while the item is selected on your hotbar.

Different armor standards with different equipment

If the space is already occupied, you cannot place the items on the stand. To remove an item from the default, you can right-click on the general area with an empty hand. Doing so will remove the item from its stand and place it in your hotbar. There is no armor standard UIso you can interact with it directly in the game.

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Armor standard Poses in Minecraft

As with banners and signs, you can rotate an armor stand in multiple directions. But that’s not the fun part. The nice thing is that you can make the armor stand have different poses. however, the Bedrock and Java editions do differ in this case. In the Bedrock edition, you can easily and quickly change the position of the stand by right-clicking on it while sneaking.

Additionally, because the stand has arms, it is possible to put objects in the hands, so you can show off much more than just armor. In the Java edition, it is not possible to make the armor stand appear in different poses in the vanilla game. You can then use Minecraft mods and commands to make this a reality, however.

Different armors appear with different equipment and in different poses on the Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Spawn an armor stand with arms

Technically, you can’t leave armor with arms in Java Edition. But by using the best Minecraft commands, you can spawn one with armor in your world. To do that, open your chat by pressing T and use the command below to summon an armor stand with arms:

/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}

Note that the spawned armor will loses his arms when broken. So only spawn it where you want to place it. Additionally, this custom armor stand can include items like swords, even on the Java edition. But you will have to break the stand to get that item back.

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Armor Stand Enchantments

Since the armor standard is an entity, it can be affected by Minecraft Enchantments. For example, using a sword with an enchanting edge will cause a nearby armor stand to rise into the air.

This mechanic is used in some farm designs, such as the extremely overwhelming raid farm designed by Minecraft YouTuber ianxofour. Additionally, if the stand itself is equipped with enchanted armor, this may reflect its effect. This is the case with the following enchantments:

  • Frost walker Boots turn water into blocks of ice when the kickstand is pushed by a piston.
  • Depth stepper will slow the movement of the armor stand as the water pushes it around.
  • Players take damage when attacking an armor stand with a piece of armor thorns.
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In the Bedrock edition it is possible to apply an armor stand with different status effects and it can even ‘die’ from the attacks. However, if you were to equip it with armor and other items first, the game would consider them “naturally generated.”

Now you know everything about how to use an armor stand in Minecraft. As you can see, these entities can make the world feel more alive and inhabited. So, do you often use armor standards in your worlds? Do you want the Java edition to look the same as the Bedrock edition? Let us know in the comments below!

How do you make armor stands move?

You can move an armor stand with pistons. Activate the piston placed against the stand and it will push it. Moreover, you can also use water streams to move the stands.

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