Minecraft 1.20.3 Update Gives Decorated Pots Storage and Changes Bat Model

The new Minecraft update has just been released. Despite not being a major update, it has quite a few significant changes that we should mention. So buckle up and get ready to learn all about the Minecraft 1.20.3 update.

New features in Minecraft 1.20.3

Now let’s go through every change and feature this 1.20 update brings, from the major to the minor. But first we need to talk about the significant buff received by decorated pots. If you feel like decorated pots are just beautiful objects that take the look of your home to the next level, think again because they can now hold objects.

Decorated jars with funnels and funnel carts that interact with them, and also a comparator that reads the contents of one jar

Decorated pots are now possible hold a stack of one item inside and can be broken by projectiles. They work together with hoppers, droppers and minecart hoppers and comparators, which can send a redstone signal from the pot. Additionally, the player’s interaction with the pot causes it to wobble and produce a vibration frequency of 11. Decorated pots also stack up to 64. Here are all the other new features:

  • You can now change the speed at which a Nether portal will transport you with the gamerul command – /gamerule playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay & /gamerule playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay.
  • It adds a new command that you toggle on and off break blocks with projectiles/gamerule-projectilesCanBreakBlocks.
  • Grass has been renamed short grass.
  • Mob in the spawner now appears correctly.
  • You can enable or disable the splash text in the main menu in the settings.
  • Teleporting with an ender pearl now makes a teleportation sound.
  • Bat Minecraft crowd has a new look, which we first highlighted last month with the release of the beta.
Bats in a mineshaft
  • The shield now moves much higher, following the direction the player is looking.
  • Brand new check command that allows you to freeze time, unfreeze, slow down or speed up time.
  • Tipped arrows and spectral arrows now retain their effect when picked up.
  • Clock and compass no longer work in the crafting UIs.
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Finally you can play with the Minecraft 1.21 features by enabling experimentation in creating a new world.

That’s everything you need to know about Minecraft 1.20.3. In addition to the changes we mentioned above, there are a lot of bug fixes and technical changes in this update. So, which new addition was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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