NYT Connections Hints and Answers for December 6, 2023

Although I usually solve NYT Connections on my own, today’s puzzle needed some help. If you need the same help, read on as we discuss all the hints, categories, and answers for the NYT Connections for December 6. And with that we start!

Tip for today’s connection themes

Let’s start today with some quick tips for the Connections themes. Take a look at them and see if you can guess one.

  • Yellow category – Do you know how to ‘read’ music?
  • Green category – There are twelve
  • Blue category – Many companies make music
  • Purple category – Half of a whole

Additional tip: Do you like astrology?

We’d love to go into more detail about this, but these tips are the best we can share. They all relate to the categories for the puzzle, so think long and hard before scrolling down to see the exact category names. However, if you still can’t find them and need more help, you can try these tricks to fix NYT Connections.

Spoiler warning #1

Although this section provided hints for the categories, the next section names them directly. Take note before you scroll down.

The names of the contemporary compound categories

If you’re still having trouble figuring out NYT Connections category names, read on for more help.

  • Vegetable – ZODIAC SYMBOLS
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We hope you can now guess the words under each category. However, if you’re still at a loss and need more help, read on.

Spoiler warning #2
The next section contains the answer to today’s puzzle; you will see all the answers in their categories. This is your last chance to solve the puzzle yourself.

Connections Reply by December 6

Are you still stuck with the puzzle? In that case, the answers to today’s Connections are:

  • FOUND ON SHEET MUSIC – Key, note, rest, staff
  • ZODIAC SYMBOLS – Taurus, crab, scales, twins
  • RECORD COMPANIES – Capitol, Columbia, Virgin Island
NYT Connections Tips and Answers for December 6, 2023

I don’t know who wrote the Connections puzzle for December 6, but it seems like they are into astrology and music. Because I have little to no understanding of the latter, I once again called on my musical colleague. With his help I almost immediately got the yellow category.

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Green came next, with zodiac symbols taking the crown. However, I had to do quite a bit of Googling as I had no idea of ​​the ancient names of these symbols. I then moved to the Blue category and again got half the help from my colleague, who helped me grab the record labels.

The remaining four words in Purple were impossible for me to solve. So I just joined them all and got my category and the answer from NYT Connections by December 6th.

NYT Connections Previous Answers

We hope the answers above helped you solve the NYT Connections puzzle for today. However, if you ended up here by accident, chances are you’re looking for answers to previous puzzles.

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We have the solution for you for such moments and more. Feel free to review our directory to NYT Connections over the past three days for any help you need.

And you? How was your experience with today’s puzzle? Where did you get stuck when you did that? Let us know in the comments below.

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